Image of attorneys and staff at Brunvand & Wise Law Group

Board-Certified White
Collar Criminal Defense

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Take Action Now Against White Collar Criminal Charges

Most people charged with a white collar crime have very little experience in the criminal justice system. If you discover that you are the target of a white collar crime investigation, you may be overwhelmed and unsure of where to turn. You may fear for the security of your business, your job and your assets.

It is important to know that retaining an experienced white collar crime defense attorney early in the process is imperative to a successful defense. The attorneys at Brunvand & Wise Law Group, can help.

The firm’s founder, Bjorn Brunvand, is a Florida board-certified criminal attorney and nationally board-certified criminal attorney. Using his criminal trial expertise, he has defended businesspeople in Florida for over 20 years. His extensive experience in defending those charged with financial and other commerce-related crimes provides our clients with comfort and security in a difficult time. Our attorneys can guide you through the state or federal criminal justice system with a combination of skill, experience, tenacity and understanding.

Are You Aware You Are Being Investigated?

Our clients often have advance notice that they are being investigated, allowing us to become involved very early in a case. When retained early enough, our firm has the experience, knowledge and skill to help clients, in many cases, avoid or mitigate white collar charges by negotiating with law enforcement and prosecutors. Early intervention by an experienced, board-certified white collar defense attorney can reduce your exposure both in terms of penalty and reputation.

Types Of White Collar Cases

Many Tampa criminal defense attorneys limit their practice to state courts. We have a wealth of experience defending federal criminal cases, where most significant white collar criminal cases are prosecuted. We defend clients against all types of white collar and other business-related charges, in state and federal court. These charges include:

  • Government fraud defense: Including cases involving defense contracting, Medicare, Medicaid and other areas of government fraud.
  • Mortgage fraud
  • Bank fraud
  • Securities fraud
  • Mail fraud and wire fraud
  • Ponzi schemes
  • Insurance fraud
  • Health care fraud
  • Money laundering and racketeering (RICO)
  • Identity theft and credit card fraud
  • Tax fraud
  • Campaign finance/election violations
  • Embezzlement
  • Counterfeit goods
  • Counterfeit currency
  • Public corruption
  • Perjury or obstruction of justice

A reputable, experienced white collar defense attorney must know not only the law but also must be able to understand and communicate the sophisticated business issues at play. With more than 40 years of combined experience defending state and federal white collar cases, the attorneys of Brunvand & Wise Law Group, have the background that enables us to understand and communicate on those complex matters.

Let Us Help You Get Out In Front Of White Collar Crime Charges

Immediate action is always the best response to white collar crime charges and investigations. Turn to Brunvand & Wise Law Group, for an experienced defense against these charges. To schedule a free initial consultation, call 813-521-8069 or contact us online.