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Multi-Agency Investigation Yields Charges For Over A Dozen Individuals In Alleged Plant City Meth Lab

A seven-month investigation by local, state, and Federal law enforcement agencies resulted in a bust last week of an alleged methamphetamine trafficking ring headquartered in a home in Plant City.
The Hillsborough County Sheriff’s Office announced the bust last week, indicating that over a dozen individuals now face charges in relation to the operation.
The investigation began last fall and centered on a residence that has been the site of hundreds of reports to 9-1-1 over the past several years. The operation, christened Ice Cubed, identified several suspects with regular connections to the residence, which consisted of a mobile home located in the middle of a large, overgrown lot surrounded by light industrial operations on adjacent properties.
The bust, which is among the largest of its kind in recent years, marks a departure from the standard “mom and pop meth labs” that law enforcement frequently encounters. According to a department spokesman, typically the first indication law enforcement has of the existence of a meth lab is when it explodes.
The sheriff’s office shared investigative duties on the case with the federal Drug Enforcement Administration and the Florida Office of Statewide Prosecutor.
The Law Offices of Bjorn Brunvand have been representing people charged with capital murder, felony drug charges, drunk driving, government fraud, and white-collar crimes for over a quarter century. Contact our office today to discuss your Tampa Bay-area state or federal charges.